Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Great Escape

Planning an escape from a po'duck town like Brunswick, GA isnt as easy as one would think. There are several obstacles in my way, the main one: Ive no money. At the beginning of the month I got a way of getting about $300 or $400 bucks. I can probably tear up and get another $100 or $200 out of mommy and daddy. Still, that leaves me with only $600, a car, and a shitty wardrobe - stuck on the streets of Decatur. Days and weeks of planning and this is the best idea I got: Drive my car into Decatur, pull up the first Waffle House I see, walk in, get hired on the spot, and sleep in my car out back until I can find a room for rent in Creative Loafing. I know, I know, you're thinking "Damn, Nathan! THAT is an air-tight plan! No way that could go astray!" But really, if you think about it, it DOES have a few holes in it. Anybody got a better idea??? Remember, if I dont get out of Brunswick, I'm probably going to die here, and soon. So, this is important. What would you do??

Monday, March 16, 2009

New Boy in Town

This is Nathan Deen. I was a performer once upon a time, in Jax FLA, Savannah GA, and most of all, Atlanta GA. This morning my therapist at the Methadone Clinic told me that I was an "interesting man". That made my day b/c, lets face it, I'm an insecure ego maniac. (Own it, bitch! Own it!) Sorry, REDBULL's kickin in. Moving on...

The reason I am here, writing this now is b/c of a man named Collin Kelley. He is an amazing talent who hangs out with other amazingly talented ppl. He also hangs out with me, too. Not sure why other than my boyish good looks. B/c , to quote Claire, "Nathan, your writing's kinda shitty." She told me that one night after I came off stage at Java Monkey in ATL. I went home with her that nite. I fell for her simply b/c she was the ONLY person Id ever met who felt the same way about my writing as I did, and still do. But enough self loathing. Back to the reason I'm here: Mr Collin Kelley. He has a poem titled 'Sex in my parents house' (if memory serves correctly). This poem made it into a book, an anthology of poems from poets who have featured at Java Monkey Coffeehouse. (THE longest running spoken word venue IN Atlanta. The book, and the venue, were put together by another talent and mentor: Mr Kodac Harrison. The book, Java Monkey Speaks, contains one of my poems and a couple of Collin Kelley's poems (as well as a myriad of other talented ppl, too many to name).

Collin's poem, 'Sex in my parents house' is, in my opinion, EVERYTHING modern poetry should be. Its honest and revealling, sexuall and explicit, and it works great on paper AND as a performance peice. I know b/c I personally have performed this poem to people ALL OVER the southeast in backyards and at barbeques, in bars and in beds. It, is, an awesome peice of poetry. And in my attempt to re-connect with my former Sexless Lover, I was navigated to his blog. And the only (I THINK) to write to him is to create my own blog. So here it is! My own blog. I've been on the internet since the Apple green-screens and this is my very first blog. Thank you, Collin for turning me blogging. My search for you continues. Thus ends this first entry into my first blog. If you've read this far, I apologize. No flashy ending.